SB not long ago visited a retired kinkster teen bdsm with a beautiful kink friendly home bdsm futurama. Rubbert is blessed to share his toys with other bdsm sex kindred spirits. He has a highly nice, state of the art vacuum bed made by Maxcita. Mad Max has his possess ideas about bondage gear, more is always better. This vacuum resting-place is no exception. The latex is produced by Polymorphe, a Canadian latex manufacturer. He uses meagre suit zippers to retain the vacuum for a quieter bondage actual presentation because the vacuum can be shut off. I spent some time in the destruction along with Nurse Humble. Our video shows the process along by detailed explanation of Mad Maxes creation.
Release Year: 2011
Studio: Serious-Bondage
Cast: Rubbert
Video speech descargar videos bdsm gratis: English
File size: 252.0 MB